Sunday 27 June 2010


T Shirts!

At long last (and thanks to the creative talents of Beverley Sullivan) we can finally show you what the next round of T shirts will look like:

We are offering T shirts (and subject to demand, hoodies) for £7 or £15 for the hoodies.
All we need to know is:
Your size
The number you're interested in
Whether you'd like a hoodie.

If you can drop us an email with all this and a cheque for the right amount to Philip, we'll do the rest.

See you all Thursday

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Open Air announcement

17th June - News Update

Hi everyone,

Two big announcements this week. The first is that the Open Air is the 12th September and we'd like you and your other halves to be there. Its an opportunity for spouses and loved ones to see quite why we dress up as we do and come back aching on any given Thursday (and enjoy a BBQ and maybe a beer or two while we're at it). Entry forms will be making their way to you shortly.

The other is that the ever talented Tony Middleton will be doing his magic show at the Old Town Hall:
Saturday 19th June, 7:30pm
Sunday 20th June, 7pm

Tickets £10, £7 concs.

Call the festival box office on: 01727 864 511
or tourist information: 01727 844 488
or online: